Review and Correct Reports are out! These determine compliance with the public reporting data. Noncompliance will result in financial penalties! These are easy to report correctly if your team does it right the first time. Nationwide, the overwhelming number of concerns are arising from the section GG section of the MDS – performance, goals and discharge goals. Please note: this is NOT performance data. CMS is not (yet) looking at these for outcomes but instead as a process measure. This means that they are looking to see if our facility’s process is in place for assessing performance and goal setting for individuals. So if we are setting GOALS and recording that progress, we are in compliance. At this point in time, CMS doesn’t grade us on whether or not we are actually meeting these goals (again, yet!). The number one problem with these functional assessment reports is improper transmission of managed care MDSs. If we are transmitting 5-day assessments on managed care MDSs (which trigger section GG and shouldn’t be transmitted), then CMS is capturing that data and wondering why we don’t have an associated Part A discharge assessment (which captures the back end of the section GG data). That registers as a miscue and leads to low compliance scores.
The good news is that you can fix any errors by correcting your MDSs in a timely fashion. The review and correct report shows that deadline for corrections. There is also a linked resident by resident report that helps identify which MDSs need to be corrected.
The Review and Correct Reports will be available to providers on a quarterly basis. If you don’t have your Review and Correct data, you should access your CASPER portal. Your MDSC has access to this.
To identify whether new quarterly data are available, providers should follow these steps: *
• Login to the CMS Network using the CMSNet User ID and password.
• Access the Welcome to the CMS Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES) Systems for Providers web page.
• Select the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER) link.
• Enter your QIES User ID and password on the QIES National System Login page.
• On the CASPER Home page, select the Reports button from the menu bar. A list of report categories will display in the left frame of the page.
• Select the > SNF > Quality Reporting Program (QRP) link, and a list of quality measure reports will display in the right frame of the page.
• Select the > SNF > Review and Correct Report link, and the CASPER Report Submit page will display.
Verify the quarter and year option that displays in the End Date field. The quarter and year End Date option will automatically be updated on the first day following the end of the previous calendar quarter. The most current quarter and year option will display by default; however, older quarter and year options will also be available for selection.
As with other user-requested CASPER reports, the completed reports will be automatically saved into the requester’s My Inbox folder in the CASPER Reporting application. Here are the steps to locate the completed report:
Following a report submission request, users receive verification that the report request was placed into the queue for processing. If desired, users can select the Queue button from the CASPER toolbar to view the status of a requested report. Select the Refresh button to refresh the CASPER Report Queue page so that you can monitor the progress of your report.
When your report is no longer listed on the CASPER Report Queue page, it is done processing. Select the Folders button, and a list of folders associated to the user will be displayed in the left frame of the web page.
Select the My Inbox link, and a list of the completed report links will display in the right frame of the web page, with the newest report at the top. The report link names identify the type of report in the folder [e.g., SNF Review and Correct Report].
Review and Correct Reports will remain in CASPER folders for 60 days. However, it is important that providers use the Review and Correct Reports while the Data Correction Period is still open so that they can correct information if needed. Therefore, obtaining and using the reports shortly after they become available is advised. In addition,
providers can save this information per their facility guidelines.
Stein Nurse Consulting is here to help you wade through new regulations and keep your team in compliance. Please call us at 1-866-410-1740 if you need assistance.
* Referenced from www.CMS.gov.